How to edit and delete an Attribute?

Written By: Evren Bacak

Last Updated on February 22, 2024

How to edit an attribute?

To edit an attribute in the PIM, follow these steps:

  1. Access the PIM Settings section.

  2. Locate and select the "Attributes" option. This will take you to the attributes management page.

  3. On the attributes management page, you will find a list of existing attributes.

  4. Find the attribute you want to edit and click on it. This will open the attribute details page.

  5. On the attribute details page, you will see various fields and settings related to the attribute.

  6. Update the necessary fields according to your requirements. The fields that you can edit may vary depending on the attribute type. Here are some common editable fields:

    1. Group: You can change the attribute's group association, allowing you to reorganize the attribute within the PIM.

    2. Max Character: If the attribute type is text-based, you may have the option to update the maximum character limit for the attribute's values.

    3. Validation Rule: For certain attribute types, such as numbers or dates, you might be able to define validation rules to ensure the data entered conforms to specific criteria.

    4. Other editable fields specific to the attribute type: Depending on the attribute type, additional editable fields may be available. These can include options like default values, unit of measure, precision, or other relevant settings.

  7. Make the necessary changes to the attribute details and review the updates for accuracy.

  8. Once you are satisfied with the edits, save the changes by clicking on the "Save" button on the bottom left on the attribute details page.

The attribute will be updated with the new settings, reflecting the changes you made in the PIM.

How to delete an attribute?

To delete an attribute in the PIM, follow these steps:

  1. Access the PIM Settings section.

  2. Locate and select the "Attributes" option. This will take you to the attributes management page.

  3. On the attributes management page, you will find a list of existing attributes.

  4. Find the attribute you want to delete and click on it. This will open the attribute details page.

  5. On the attribute details page, look for the "Delete Attribute" button on the bottom left for deleting the attribute.

  6. Click on the "Delete Attribute" button to initiate the deletion process.

  7. A confirmation prompt or dialogue box may appear, asking you to confirm the deletion. Make sure you understand that deleting an attribute will permanently remove it and its associated data.

  8. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Yes Delete" on the confirmation prompt.

  9. The attribute will be deleted from the PIM, and any data associated with it will be permanently removed.

Remember to carefully review any dependencies and update the relevant product models or variants before attempting to delete an attribute. This will help maintain data integrity and ensure a smooth deletion process.